F2F Class Notes (Tony)


symptom – a sign of  a problem, like being sick.

eg: He had no symptoms, he didn’t know he was sick, but in fact, he had a cold.

eg: His symptoms are, a fever, and aches in his muscles. He has the flu.

Speaking exercise

When is rush hour?

From 7 to 9am is rush time hour.

If I don‘t use an umbrella on a rainy day I will get drenched.

He listed the benefits of the insurance scheme.

China is an Asian country.

Asia is the biggest continent.

Do you prefer rural areas or urban areas?            I grew up in a rural area.

Is rice paper edible?

Rice paper is edible. Fish bones are not edible.  A fish bone is not edible.


Grammar mistakes to NEVER make:

Don’t forget the PREPOSITION!     Go to the store

Don’t forget Singular or Plural!            I have a cat.    Feed the cat.                I have two cats.

HE?  or SHE?