F2F Class Notes (Tony)

Next Class Focus

Correct Writing homework


Dragon Boat Festival

I’ll go to my hometown / I’ll go see my parents / I’m gonna visit my family

there’s a mucher

Get someone something – to go and obtain that thing for someone, and probably give it to them later.

eg: I got her a cake. But now I’m not going to give it to her, because she is being very rude.

eg: I got my daughter some candy. But she didn’t take it because I said she shouldn’t eat any sweets before dinner.

Holiday – any day that people celebrate a special occasion

eg: Yeah, I don’t think Arbor day is a REAL holiday. You can’t get off work just because you like trees.

vacation – when you take time off work, and usually go somewhere

eg: Next week I’m on vacation, so I won’t be here.

staycation – Not a real word!

eg: Don’t use the word staycation!

our hands are tied – we don’t have a choice or decision, the reason why you can’t do something.

eg: I wanna have a holiday next week.


can – KaaaN,  Ken

can’t – Kan’t

Vowels:  A,E,I,O,U.  and Consonants: B,C,D,G,H,J,K…Z
Vowels and Consonants are often linked for pronunciation.

eg: I slept on the plane.    T-O  =  Slep  Tahn

eg: She slept on the plane and was still wide awake.      Plane And = PlAy(e) Nand (Because E is Silent, N and A are linked)


vacation is tired – vacations are tiring

I prepare the third part of the testI’m preparing for the third part of the test.