F2F Class Notes (Tony)


dress professionally

wear professional clothes

the first company to present was French.   / A french company was the first one to present

start some rumors

not that difficult (referring to a previously mentioned amount)

you try to make me use it in a sentence.

end up – to finally do, or the end result

eg: We ended up just speaking Chinese to each other.

read into – to try and find a deeper meaning from someone’s actions or words.

eg: When they saw me alone, they read too much into it, and thought I have no friends.

read (someone) – to guess what someone is thinking based on their behavior or expression.

eg: He said he’s not angry, but his face says he is.

eg: I read his face, for sure he won’t do it.

You’re reading too much into her remarks. [=her remarks do not have the meaning or importance that you think they have]