F2F Class Notes (Tony)


turn up – to show up or arrive, or to find something suddenly

eg: Your keys will turn up soon, I’m sure no one stole them.

eg: He stole it.   It was stolen. It won’t turn up.

put off – do something later MAYBE because you’re lazy

postpone – to delay something and do it later

eg: We have to postpone the meeting.

pass out – to hand out or give out to a few people

eg: Pass out the flyers or you’re fired.

flyer – small paper with promotional info, leaflet

eg: Pass out all the flyers, don’t just throw them away.

the hood – short for neighborhood, but usually means a bad neighborhood in a bigger city, with gang members

adjacent – next to

eg: He lives adjacent to the school.

Speaking exercise

The phone which is black is mine.
I quit my job, which means I’m jobless now.

And the second one, which is also the biggest one is data. Before that, we don’t know how the wannabe consumers were satisfactory with our products or brands. But now we can not only know their brand experience but also they consumer behaviors, interests and even lifestyles. So this kind of data, we can almost know the clear profile of every consumer and push them the content that they are really interested in, which will enhance the content spreading efficiency.

So that’s the biggest difference between traditional marketing and digital marketing

The phone which is black is mine.
I quit my job, which means I’m jobless now.

The black phone is mine

And the second one, which/that is also the biggest, is data. Before that, we didn‘t know whether the consumers were satisfied with our products or brands. But now we can know not only their brand experience but also their purchasing behaviors, interests and even lifestyles. So through this kind of data, we can get an idea of every consumer‘s profile and push them the content that they are really interested in; which can make our content go viral.

So that’s the biggest difference between traditional marketing and digital marketing.


Hood Adjacent – a show about a black guy who bridges the gap between the “Hood” world and the suburban world

Hip Hop – Aesop Rock