F2F Class Notes (Tony)


she’s a good cook

live – music or tv show that is happening at the same time you are watching it

eg: There was live music at the party last night.

eg: We watched the Olympics live.

pop up store – a store usually set up for a short time on the sidewalk or in the middle of the mall

eg: We have to design a pop up store this weekend.

digest – when your stomach uses the food inside

eg: Some foods can help you digest better.

probiotic – some helpful bacteria, usually help you digest, found in drinks, like Yakult

bacteria – small living things, can be inside your body, in your stomach or mouth. There are good bacteria and bad bacteria

chicken breast – the chest part of the chicken

broccoli – a green vegetable that looks like a flower


live (music) – Lie Ve

digest – Die Jest