F2F Class Notes (Tony)


tense muscles/person

hang out with them

another one

the other time

the rest of the time

In a week I do yoga about 3 or 4 times

I do yoga about 3 or 4 times a week.

(I do yoga in a week about 3 or 4 times.)   Not so common way to say it.

a flexible schedule

a set schedule

wage – money per hour

eg: 200 yuan per hour is an average wage in shanghai.

average – the most common, 3people are 160cm tall and 3 people are 180cm tall, so the average height is    (160 + 160 + 160 + 180 + 180 +180 )  divided by 6.

eg: So the average height is 170


x  :   times   

What is 4 x 5?

– :   minus, negative

What is 8 minus 10?  8 minus 10 is negative 2.            8 – 10 = -2

  Divided by     

8 divided by 4 is 2.

= : equals   

5 + 5 = 10     Five plus five equals ten.

Money and Prices:

That’s too expensive, it’s 2 times what it normally costs.   That price is 3 times higher than normal.

Discount –    % off the price.        30% off.        $100 with a 30% discount, then it is $70.  30% of the price is off.

eg: I wait for a discount before I buy Lululemon yoga pants, because they are a little overpriced.

overpriced – you think it should not be so expensive.

eg: Ferrari’s are expensive, but maybe not overpriced, because they are very great cars.

Bills – the money you need to pay for all things regularly

eg: I have to pay my bills.

expenses – things you need to buy

eg: I need to watch my monthly expenses.

eg: I need to watch what I spend.

on sale – being sold for a discount

eg: I always buy stuff on sale, I never pay full price.

Phrases about spending money:

I got ripped off, that taxi should only cost 50 yuan, but it was 100 yuan.

I need to watch what I spend this month

I went on vacation and blew all of my money, now I’m broke.

I put away about half my salary every month, so I don’t spend it.