F2F Class Notes (Tony)


I’m open to suggestions.

homophobic – can’t accept gay people

___phobia – fear of something

Arachnid – spider or spider-like insect

eg: Spiders and scorpions (蝎子) are arachnids.

Arachnophobia – fear of spiders

eg: Everyone has a little arachnophobia.

Writing exercise

The society are progressing in many ways. We acknowledge that people’s genders can’t be simply classified into male and female. We are more open for lesbians, gays and bisexuals than before.
There is a famous dancer in China called Jing Xing who is a transgender. Her birth gender was male. With the growth, her birth gender was increasingly unacceptable for her and she got a sex-change at 21 years old. I remember clearly, she sought a permission of this surgery with fear from her farther. Sex-change is a total crazy thing to her father’s generation. Surprisingly, her father admitted it and support her. Now, she is successful who is not only a dancer, but also a host and actor. Even though people still focus on her transgender, we are inclining to her success in work and happiness in family.
One morning, I read a piece of news that parents in Shanghai People’s Square were trying to set up their own children on the same sex blind dates. Actually, many gays in China got married with female to avoid discriminations and comfort their patients. Most gays’ wives are unhappy and some even have domestic violence. It is embarrassed to say we haven’t legitimized the same-sex marriage.

Our society is progressing in many ways. We acknowledge that people’s genders can’t be simply classified into male and female. We are more open to lesbians, gays and bisexuals than before.
There is a famous dancer in China called Jing Xing who is transgender. She was born a male. As she grew up her birth gender was increasingly unacceptable for her and she went through gender reassignment at 21 years old. I remember clearly, she sought permission for this surgery with fear from her father. A Sex-change is a totally crazy thing for her father’s generation. Surprisingly, her father accepted it and was supportive of her. Now, she is not only a successful dancer, but also a talk show host and actor. Even though some people still focus on her gender, most people are focused on her success in work and happiness with her family.
One morning, I read some news that parents in People’s Square in Shanghai were trying to set up their own children on same sex blind dates. Actually, many gay people in China got married to females to avoid discrimination and comfort their parents. Most gay men’s wives are unhappy and some even suffer domestic violence. It is embarrassing to say we haven’t legitimized same-sex marriage.