F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Read these quotes about foreigners’ opinions on America.



dodge – move out of the way, before something hits you

eg: In Shanghai sometimes you need to dodge bikes on the street.

volunteersomeone who does something without being forced to do it: such as

: a person who chooses to join the military
: a person who does work without getting paid to do it
eg: They volunteered to clean up the beach.


Americans are such strict rule followers. I witnessed this once sitting on the
sidelines of a high school dodge ball game. To me, it was goofy, a little violent, and
very American. It struck me that my classmates followed the rules of the game
so strictly. Even when no one noticed that a person had been hit and he could
have kept playing, he voluntarily gave himself up and left the game. I was deeply
impressed by how much people honored the rules even when they are not seen. It
was a little strange to me because I was raised in an environment where rules are,
unfortunately, usually taken for granted.