F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Read the article and discuss with your teacher net class:



My body is uncomfortableI am uncomfortable.    I don’t feel good.

skin – pi fu

sleeve – the part of your shirt, that covers your arms

A long sleeve shirt.

I wear a long sleeve shirt so I don’t get too much sun.

shortS pants

I’m wearing a short sleeve shirt and shorts.

Notes Practice:

My mom is supposed to be watching tv.????? Why? Who is making her do this?

I’m supposed to have a meeting tomorrow.

If I follow the normal dentist there are at least five appointments per day.

If I follow the orthodontist there are at least 30 appointments per day.

When I’m single I dislike Valentine’s Day.

EXAMPLE: Mom, I will come/go to New York, then I will Go to Guangzhou. Then I will come back to Shanghai. (YOU are In Shanghai now, MOM is in New York)

MY boyfriend went back to our hometown. I told him I will come back in a week.

My boyfriend and I are in Shanghai and we we will go back to our hometown this summer.

I want to tell my boyfriend I will come go back to my town then I will go to Guangzhou to visit my parents. I won’t come back to Shanghai.

I went back to my hometown, my boyfriend said He will come back to our hometown in 2 weeks.