F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Jealous of somebody

I think getting a massage hurts, so I don’t really do it.

Maybe the air conditioner will stop working

it really hurts

it hurts a lot

Bull – male cow

eg: I think we only eat cow meat, and we don’t eat bull meat.

Hen – female

Rooster – Male Chicken, also known as Cock(but this has another meaning)

Cockeyed – one eye is looking in a different direction

eg: The cockeyed squid is a funny looking animal. One eye looks to the side, and the other eye looks up.

sore – muscles hurt after using them too much, hurts to touch or use

eg: My legs are really sore from hiking.

eg: I have a sore throat. Maybe my coworkers gave me a cold.

out of order – not working now

eg: The elevator is out of order, so we need to take the stairs.

bruise – a blue or purple mark on your skin, if something hit you very hard

eg: I am always getting bruises, because I don’t pay attention when I walk.

Play – don’t use unless you can win or lose the game. Don’t use for Go out.

eg: Go play skiing.     Go skiing.  Go swimming. Go skateboarding.

I was skiing the other day.

I went swimming with my friend.

I was skateboarding with carol all day.

I will go out and play with some friends.