F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Read the article and summarize it. Write a summary.



How long has America had troops in S. Korea?

I don’t know how long American troops have been in Korea.

America has had troops in S. Korea for, I don’t know how long.

There is no need for English at my job.

I was an accident

There is a stray cat, in front of my apartment.

fluent – can speak a language perfectly

eg: I am not fluent in Japanese.

native speaker – speak this language as your first one

eg: I’d like my English to be as good as a native speaker.

nervous – feeling uncomfortable and a little worried

cheat – to break the rules, or an agreement

eg: If you cheat on a test, that means someone gave you the answer.

eg:He cheated on his test/wife.

best/worst case scenario – best/worst thing that could happen

eg: I was late to work, the best case scenario would be if my boss is late too.

eg: The worst case scenario is my boss looking for me when I arrive.

sting – a sharp pain

eg: Be careful, you don’t want that bee to sting (V.)you.

eg: If you put alcohol on a cut it stings.