F2F Class Notes (Tony)


you can ask me anything

anything – sui bian

pray – to ask god for help

eg: Let’s pray that it doesn’t rain.

fortunate – lucky

eg: I’m fortunate that I don’t need to study a lot for tests.

eg: Unfortunately it is raining now.

penalty N. – the bad thing that happens when you break a rule or law

eg: The penalty for stealing is to cut off your hand.

eg: The penalty for being late, is the boss will deduct from my salary. This penalty is unfair.

eg: He broke the law, so I believe in the death penalty.

Tips to Improve Quickly:

Always learn a Phrase, not just ONE Word.

Example: break – to stop doing something for a while, then start doing it again

eg: I need to take a break.

apprehensive – (be apprehensive about) you are not sure you want to do something, so you wait a little. afraid that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen.

I am apprehensive about going to work on time. I’m afraid I will be late.

Study some Phrasal Verbs:

Make up – to be part of       Our team is made up of people from all over the world.

Make up N.

Make up – to create something, think of it for the first time.

eg: Don’t make up stories, you know that isn’t true.

eg: I made up this design when I was bored.

Make up – to do something that you missed

eg: I was sick yesterday, so I have to make up a day of work on the weekend.

Learning Resources:

Don’t translate, Look up the meaning in English.


Phrasal Verbs


News, Voice of America, Radio talk show
