F2F Class Notes (Tony)


either – huo shi

eg: You can have either strawberry cake or milk tea.

eg: I don’t like watermelon either.   = I also don’t like watermelon.

I like watermelon either. I like watermelon too.

eg: I don’t want either one, because I don’t like fruit.

sloth – a very slow animal that lives in trees in jungles.

eg: Sloths are adorable.

runny nose – when you have a cold and their is some stuff coming out of your nose.

eg: I need to blow my nose, I’ve had a runny nose all week.

Change the Sentence to a question:

I never go out during the day

Do you ever  go out during the day?

I usually go out at night.

Do you usually go out at night?

I open turn on the air conditioner at home.

Can you turn on the AC?

It is nobody’s cat.

Whose cat is it?

I don’t know when.

Do you know when?