F2F Class Notes (Tony)


She originally helped me book another class, but then I asked her to change it to your class

you are a funny guy

Prince is the funniest student.

Prince is funny looking. (She looks strange) Maybe she is, maybe not.

mind – jingshen

eg: What is on your mind? What are you thinking?

read someone’s mind – to know what someone is thinking

eg: If you can read my mind, what am I thinking now?

eg: It’s not what I am thinking, so you can’t read my mind.

original – yuan lai

eg: I’m originally from Xiamen.

eg: I originally studied math, but now I study Design.

graphic – relating to the artistic use of pictures, shapes, and words especially in books and magazines

eg: I’m a graphic designer.

eg: I finished college with a degree in Film, but originally I studied Psychology.


Psychology – Sai Kall Le Jee