F2F Class Notes (Tony)


clutch – used to engage a transmission on a car, you press the clutch to change gears while driving

pedals – foot controls

eg: An automatic car has two pedals, on for gas and one for brake.

gear – set of gears for a car that determines the power or speed.

eg: You need to shift out of first gear, or you can’t go very fast.

downshifting – when driving if your in a gear, EX: 5th gear, and you shift down to 4th gear, to get more power.

podium  – a box you stand in front of to give a speech, usually has a microphone on top.

stinks – smells bad

eg: Stinky tofu stinks, that’s why they call it stinky.

stuff – things, (uncountable)

eg: Don’t touch my stuff.

eg: All of my stuff was there.

get on sb. nerves – to annoy sb. or bothers

eg: This song really gets on my nerves.

shove – to push very hard

eg: Stop shoving me.

horse around – play around like a kid

brace – a thing used to support

eg: You should wear a knee brace if it really hurts.