F2F Class Notes (Tony)


I wrote an email

made a fund request

I wanna tell my boss

I was unaware of that (I didn’t know about that)

contact the engineer, e-mail, phone call, text message

Over 2000 items were on the list

I need to replace the audit file because the bank lost it

redo the financial seal

such a hassle

the fund request was made after March’s expenditure

I don’t have family in the countryside/   I haven’t got family….

population – total number of people
eg: The population of America is about 350 million.

contact – lian luo
eg: I need to contact the engineer first.

misplace (v) – polite way to say lost sth.
eg: I misplaced my wallet.

hassle N. – an inconvenient thing
eg: I need to redo the seal, but another company does the financial seal, so it’s really a hassle to redo it.


Engineer – En Zhe-Neer

1/3  – a third/ one third

1/4 – one fourth/ a quarter

America’s population is about a quarter of China’s population.