F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Write what you have been doing last week.

(Start in the past, still doing now)

Exmple: I’ve been looking for…

I’ve been ___ing.


the teacher will give us a score

I didn’t agree – I didn’t let him take it, he just snatched it

they are little demons / he is a little demon

she is a little angel, she’s too polite

percent – %

eg: 41 percent of people are women in china.

eg: I got 100% on my exam.


You had a sick cold (N)

BE + sick (adj)

eg: She was sick yesterday.

Is Are there have any worse words than terrible?

41% of people are women in china.

In China 41% of people are women.

41% of people in China are women.

I just have two classes a week so I think it’s too little not enough


Grammar Review:

A, The

You don’t need A and THE when you already said which one:

If ANY is ok:



eg: Let me see your bag.


eg: This is not my car.


eg: They looked at his drawing.


eg: We need to talk to her teachers.

‘S:    Shanghai’s, Laura’s, The School’s.

eg: Shanghai’s house price is too high.

eg: Laura’s glasses are new.

eg: This is the school’s cup.


eg: I need water. (any water)

eg: He likes cats. (any cats, all cats)


To + (past Verb)

To ate dinner.

To + (Verb + ING)

I like To playing games.

Many – Can count.

eg: There are many people on the island

Much – Can not count

eg: I drank so much water.

A lot – Can count, and Not Count, BOTH

eg: There are a lot of people on the island.

eg: I drank a lot of water.