F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.


Right before – immediately before

eg: Right before I left home it started raining, so I grabbed my umbrella.

eg: Right after I left home it started raining. But I didn’t bring my umbrella.

Presentation – PPT

eg: I did a presentation for my boss. That’s why I was late.

TCM – Traditional Chinese Medicine

eg: One of the innovations of TCM over the last few years has been ‘Injectables.’ So instead of eating or drinking the TCM herbs, you will inject them directly into your bloodstream.

concentrated(adj) – a more powerful or potent form of sth. in a smaller amount

eg: I only have concentrated orange juice in the freezer. You can add water to make juice.

eg: That’s not fresh juice, it’s from concentrate(N).

eg: It is concentrated herbal medicine. It’s not more convenient because you have to sit in the hospital for hours to take it.

side effect – the other effect you get from something, usually one you didn’t want

eg: Western medicine, especially pharmaceuticals, often have many bad side effects.

eg: One of the side effects of Riley’s drugs, is memory loss. She can’t remember what prescriptions she is taking.

Probiotic – helpful bacteria

eg: I take a probiotic pill when I have an upset stomach.

Prescription can only be written by a Doctor

eg: Are you on any prescription medicine.


what we are [ developing / working on ]  and what we will focus on in the future


Herbs – Err ‘bs

eg: Herbal medicine takes a few months to work.