F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Writing: Describe one of your paintings: Use new vocabulary


How much is that compared to what they usually make? It is double what they usually make.  What they make on honey is 500 more than what they usually make.

How much is the difference?

How much do they make?

go straight home

take some time off

bees help flowers and plants reproduce

a coat of paint, you can paint over it

retouch – to redo or the details

ecosystem – all the natural things in an area

eg: The biodiversity of the ecosystem is what protects it.

vibrant – full of saturation of color, bright and strong color

eg: Those tulips are so vibrant that they don’t look real.

saturation N. – the amount of color in an image

eg: The image is very de-saturated it looks black and white.

muted (color) – soft in color, not bright.

palette – the range of colors.