F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Tell a story about something in your life:

happy or sad or funny or a difficult problem…


sometimes with my parents, sometimes alone

talent (N) – your skill level, or for a particular thing, skill level

eg: She has a lot of talent.

eg: She is talented at playing the piano.

eg: I started playing the piano because I didn’t have any talents.

olive oil –

peanut oil –

peanut butter –

eg: I cooked a steak with peanut oil, but I was a little worried since I’ve never done it before. I really didn’t want a peanut butter steak, that sounds awful. But it was fine, and didn’t even taste like peanuts.


Boring – Sitting at home all day can be boring.

eg: Cleaning the house is boring, because it’s tiring.

Bored – I started to play piano because I was bored.

eg: I am bored, I wanna do something fun.


ill – Ihh ellll

el – Ehhh LL

Listen and Spell:




ventriloquist – a large doll that someone controls with their hand, it looks like the doll is talking, but it is really the person.