F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.


we had a going away dinner for my friend last night

we usually take a road trip.

my teacher invites polish theater directors

Asia – Ya zhou

eg: Pakistan is in Asia

Americano – Espresso with water

eg: I like iced(adj) Americanos.

eg: I want an Americano and can you add ice.

Record – to save some Audio or Video or other

eg: Do you mind if I record this?

eg: [ We recorded a video. /  We shot a video. ]

Shoot – for videos and photos

eg: We will shoot a movie tomorrow.

eg: I just got back from a photo shoot.

Minority – shao shu mingzu

eg: My hometown has a lot of minorities.

Uiyghur – Muslim people in China

eg: Most American people don’t know.

Forest – many trees all together

eg: Xinjiang has some big forests.

Graduate – finish all the school

eg: I graduated high school in 2002.

Production Company – a company that makes movies or tv shows

eg: My production company is based in Beijing.


eg: We will shoot a movie tomorrow.    Will shoot (V.)

eg: I just got back from a photo(adj) shoot.   A (adj.) shoot. (Noun)

eg: I just got back from a movie(adj) shoot.   A (adj.) shoot. (Noun)

Adj. + N.

eg: A tall cat.

eg: I want a coffee. (N) / I want to drink a coffee.

eg: A coffee(adj.) table. (N)

my teacher invites polish theater directors  (Usually)


Noun – Now’n

Graduated – Grah Juu Way did