F2F Class Notes (Tony)


The guy I’m talking about…

isn’t a teacher.

is a student.

The place I’m talking about…

is next to Shaanxi Nan Lu

is on the 7th floor.

is not in Shanghai.

The bag I’m talking about

is very cheap.

is blue, not red.

I threw it all out

You – Every or Any person, IF they do it

eg: You can drive a car from another city in Shanghai. But you can’t drive on the highway. You can drive on the highway on the weekends, but it is very crowded.

rush hour – usually between 7am-9am, and 4pm-6pm

eg: You can’t drive on the highway during rush hour.

rush – to do sth very quickly

eg: I rushed to class because I was late.

eg: Don’t rush, take your time.

necklace – something you wear around your neck

eg: I bought that necklace used.

eg: It was a used necklace.

Second-hand / Used – someone bought it before you.

eg: I bought a [ used/second-hand ] car.

license plate – pai zhao

eg: He paid about 80,000 to try to get a license plate.


I know him from the yoga studio

Have Done:

I’ve known him for a year.

I know him for  year.

I knew him for a year. (You don’t know him now)

I know him.

How long have you known him?

I’ve known him for about a year.


13,000 – Thert Teen Th