F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Read it before the class.



It’s not good for my hair, so I need to wait

last night I went to sleep at 12, and this morning I woke up at 4:30

long hair is a hassle

Do you think it’s loud or quiet?

Some Baijiiu is 50% alcohol.

When I drink alcohol I get dizzy.

the next day I was dizzy,

now I never drink too much alcohol

I had a mocha and 3 pieces of bread

they had a 50% discount.

regret (V) – you wish you didn’t do something

eg: I regret changing my hair

eg: I don’t regret coming to Shanghai.

gonna (DO) – you will do something

eg: I’m gonna look at some clothes in this store.

eg: We are gonna get dinner.

eg: They thought they were gonna go to Thailand. But the flight was canceled. So, they’re not gonna go to Thailand.

eg: We are gonna get breakfast.

eg: I’m not gonna beer. get a beer.


today I’m not I didn’t take a nap

today I was with my friend

I’m a silence silent person


alcohol – Al Ke Hall

alchohol – Al Chuh Hall

CH – che