F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.


I went to another city in China.

If I want to work in SH, I can’t change my job.

I decided to take a rest some time off.

I took about two weeks off.

I sometimes come go back to Japan.

after 4 years we have to come go back to Korea.

I have two people – [ I know two people in Japan / There are two people I know in Japan. ]

Spain is a good fit for you.

time is up – time is finished

eg: When my 4 years is up I will go back to Korea. Or maybe before that.

break (N) – to stop doing something for a while

eg: Do you need a break?

eg: I have a break soon.

eg: I will meet you on my lunch break.

eg: I took a break for a few months this summer.

That’s a long break.

blown away – surprised

eg: The hurricane was so strong, many buildings were blown away.

eg: I was blown away by how polite Japanese people can be.

eg: I really didn’t think Hena would buy me a car for my birthday. But she did, I was totally blown away.

eg: I was blown away when I went to Spain. Spanish people always smile. So I want to be Spanish, lol.


I’ve been working.

I just took a break from English class.

I have lived in Japan for 2013 years. – I lived in Japan in 2013.

I worked with her together.     We worked together.

I played tennis with her. / We played tennis together.