F2F Class Notes (Tony)

How to introduce an obscure thing:

I’m from Akron, Ohio, the rubber capitol of the USA.  (they make the most Rubber in USA)

Have you ever tried Eggs Benedict? Its a dish with a poached(break the egg, then boil) egg on a biscuit(like rou jia mo bread), with some hollandaise sauce on top.

Ivy’s: Do you know waterball? It’s a obscured sport in China. It’s a kind of ball game played in water, where two teams stand in the water and hit the ball by their hands into a net. – Do you know waterball? It’s an obscure sport in China. It’s a kind of ball game played in water, where two teams stand in the water and hit the ball by with their hands into a net.

Yeah, I think it’s the same sport as Water Polo in America. It’s also pretty obscure there. Because most people don’t have access to a pool.


checkout counter

eg: That snack is always next to the checkout counter

display case


obscurenot well-known : not known to most people

eg: I like some really obscure music. The only problem is that most most people have never heard of it, so its hard to find someone who likes the same thing.


It’s an obscure… – It Sahhh Nub Skee Yurr