F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Write a story with a lot of meaning, in very few words. Look for good synonyms.


experience – skill level (uncountable)

eg: I got a lot of experience working at innisfree.

an experience – a unique situation that happened to you, especially  had an effect on you (countable)

eg: I’ve had some scary experiences traveling. One time a pack of dogs chased me through Bangkok.

Writing exercise

<My experience of Airbnb hosting>
Since May, I’ve been running a unused room in my flat for hosting guests through Airbnb, the online community which connects between hosts and travelers. I’d hosted 3 guests so far, 2 of them were transient guests and the other one was a long-term guest staying more than a month. And last Saturday I got my 4th guest, a girl from Sweden. She came to Shanghai as an exchange student for 5 months and will stay at my flat for first 3 weeks before living with Chinese host family. She seems a lovely girl who has good manner and repects other people. I’m very happy with my 4th guest, this Swedish girl, and hope that we could be a great flatmate to each other for next 3 weeks.

<The pros and cons of Airbnb hosting>
The biggest benefit from Airbnb hosting is that I can meet travelers who have different life stories and experience. Talking with guests from different religion always broaden my horizion of the World and make me feel vibrant. Also I can simply make a extra money by running my unused place as a guest room.
Despite the benefits, there are concerns for personal security and property damage. Sometime I feel insecured to have strangers sharing my room. Therefore I only accept a female guest after checking her Airbnb profiles including the status of verified ID and the comments about her from other hosts.

<My experience of Airbnb hosting>
Since May, I’ve been renting an unused room in my flat for hosting guests through Airbnb, the online community which connects between hosts and travelers. I’d hosted 3 guests so far, 2 of them were transient short term guests and the other one was a long-term guest staying more than a month. And last Saturday I got my 4th guest, a girl from Sweden. She came to Shanghai as an exchange student for 5 months and will stay at my flat for the first 3 weeks before [ living/moving in ] with a Chinese host family. She seems like a lovely girl who has good manners and respects other people. I’m very happy with my 4th guest, this Swedish girl, and hope that we could be great flatmates to each other for the next 3 weeks.

<The pros and cons of Airbnb hosting>
The biggest benefit from Airbnb hosting is that I can meet travelers who have different life stories and experiences. Talking with guests from different regions always broadens my horizons of the World and makes me feel vibrant. Also I can simply make some extra money by renting my unused place as a guest room.
Despite the benefits, there are concerns for personal security and property damage. Sometime I feel insecure to have strangers sharing my apartment. Therefore I can only accept a female guest after checking her Airbnb profile including the status of verified ID and the comments about her from other hosts.


She seems lovely

She seems like a lovely girl.

by – to be done before this date

eg: He wanted to move in by November.

eg: He wanted to move in by finishing his exam. – He wanted to move in by the time he finishes his exam. (At or before the exam finish time)


An + A,E,I,O,U   (sometimes H)

eg: An exciting trip.  –   Anex Iting.

eg: An unusual day.  – Anun You zsju Wull

Horizon – Hor He Rye Zun

Region – Ree Junn / Ree Jen