F2F Class Notes (Tony)


he didn’t get back to me

we went home separately (not together) / alone

avoid the conversation / run away from the conversation

How is she doing?.    / How are you doing?

How is she going?.   / How are you going?

(Ask about Status or Progress)


I heard you got a new job last week. How is it going?

It’s going pretty bad so far. My boss is not nice and my coworkers are

Push someone out – make them leave or feel unwelcome.

eg: At my last job I think they wanted to push me out.

a click (clique) – a close group of people, who often don’t like outsiders.

eg: They have their own click at work. They don’t really talk to other people much.

eg: They are really clicky and kinda pushed me out.

a kind of – one type or category of something

eg: A latte is a kind of drink.

literally – the literal, or original, meaning of a word.

eg: It’s so hot, I’m gonna die.

Oh my god, do you need to go to a hospital?

No, not literally die. I just don’t feel good.

eg: I am literally the only man in this room. Everyone else at this party is a woman.

eg: You mean literally? / Are you serious? / Seriously?

kinda – almost like, Cha bu duo

eg: I’m kinda tired. But I don’t need to sleep now.

eg: I’m kinda anxious because I have not gotten a job.

anxious – a kind of nervous, when you are waiting for something to happen

eg: My boyfriend broken broke up with me one month ago. I am anxious because I want to get back together with him.

eg: I broke up with him but now I changed my mind and I’m anxious to get back together.


my first interview after I quitted quit my job.

maybe the economics economy is not doing very well

maybe he still likes me


anxious – Aynk Shus

X = CK

Max – macks

Mack’s (A person’s name).  – max

X = Z

Xerox – (a copy machine)

Xylophone (a musical instrument)

Xenophobic ( you don’t like people who are not the same as your country’s people, you think your country is always better)