F2F Class Notes (Tony)


craft  (V) – make something with your hands

eg: I like craft (adj) beer, it tastes better.

eg: He crafted a beautiful model of a head, all made of wood. And the most interesting part is that it’s completely flexible. ( Li Hong Bo, Beijing artist)

How’s it going? – asks about current status of an ongoing thing

eg: How’s your new job going?

It’s going pretty well. Except ….

hang out – do nothing special

eg: I don’t really drink. I’m just going so we can hang out.

context – the words or things before and after.

eg: If you know the context you can understand it.

out of context – when you don’t have the other words or things said before and after.

eg: Obama said, “I hate all people!”

eg: No, no, no Ivy, that’s out of context. He also said, “I hate all people, who want to hurt other people.”

to table something – to wait on a project or idea.

eg: We are still waiting on funding from the investor, so we’re gonna have to table this project for now.

Transcript From Ted talk – https://smartyingyu.com/f2f-class-notes-tony-1084/

It’s like a dream, imagine in the empty desert you come upon a huge wheel ringed in skeletons. Someone invites you to come pull a series of heavy ropes at its base so you walk to one side where a team is waiting and you all throw your backs into it and you pull in turn. And eventually the wheel roars to life, lights begin to flicker and the audience cheers, and you’ve just activated Peter Hudson’s Karon? One of the world’s largest zoetropes. This is the farthest thing from marketable art. (Audience Laughs, HAHA) Its huge, its dangerous, it takes a dozen people to run. And it doesn’t go with the sofa. Its beautifully crafted and completely useless.

Creative English:

Make anything a verb.


Tabled.  (Put on a table).   (Hit someone with a table)

Bottled – (Put something in a bottle) (Hit someone with bottle)