F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Watch the video a few times.

Write down any things you understood from her.

Watch again in class.

Ask teacher to write down her words. BUT don’t SHOW TO YOU!!! Not yet.


it’s high tech

on the spot – at the moment, Right Now

eg: I can’t think of any companies that make that kind of thing on the spot.

get your foot in the door – get a beginning connection to a place

eg: Maybe he can help you get your foot in the door at google.

bait – some food that fish or animals want to eat, they eat it and you can catch them

eg: There is no bait on your fishing pole. So you won’t catch any fish.

clickbait – something online that makes you want to click on it, but really it’s not cool at all

eg: Why do so many videos have that clickbait thumbnail. you know, usually some sexy girl.

The videos always put clickbait thumbnails because they want to attract users attention. They drive up the number of views on the video.

thrive – to live very well and successfully, not only surviving.

eg: The business is thriving, they are the best in the country.