F2F Class Notes (Tony)


behind – For PLACE or TIME

eg: The restaurant is behind that building.

eg: I am a little behind with my work. So I need to do more tonight.

in front of – only for PLACE

eg: What is in front of that car?

eg: There are many people in front of me.

ahead of – usually for time or movement , and how good you are at something.

eg: you can go ahead of me.

eg: I can’t start yoga now, Yolanda is ahead of me.


How do you spell Raw?






eg: You can eat raw eggs.


I every day maybe 3 hours of yoga.Every day I do 3 hours of yoga.

Behind and In Front of – Usually for PLACE

tony is behind me at the cinema. we are watching a movie.

tony is in front of me. we are studying english.

Behind and Ahead of – can be for SKILL LEVEL or TIME

judy is behind me . we are walking to zhongshan park.

judy is ahead of tony. tony is behind me. we are going swimming.