F2F Class Notes (Tony)


what does that white object thing do?

What does that stuff do?

sneak out – to leave secretly

eg: I snuck out of the office early.

eg: Are you sneaking out right now?

Sneak around

eg: Yesterday there was a cockroach sneaking around us at the Japanese restaurant.

What the… (Any word)

eg: What the heck?

eg: What the fuck?

eg: ….the hell is that?

eg: ….the hell you doin?

shit – your stuff / stuff in general

eg: Don’t touch my shit when I’m gone.

eg: Can you throw away that shit?

curse words / bad words

eg: I would never curse (V) in front of a judge or police officer.

eg: I would avoid cursing too much in a professional situation.

poor sport / sore loser – someone who acts badly after they lose a game

eg: Don’t be a poor sport, you can play again later.


What does it mean, lenient?What does lenient mean?


What does – WUhDuz

What does that – WuhDu Zat

What does that do?

What does what do?

What does that say?

What does that taste like?