F2F Class Notes (Tony) [S]


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stir-fry pork

I didn’t sleep well

I didn’t get a good sleep. 

Speaking exercise

It’s raining today so the air is very humid. And it makes me uncomfortable it realized me a question. I was wondering if I would send my parents to a nursing home when they get older. But actually it’s a high stake for me, because if they live in the nursing home I wouldn’t see them every day. And it’s not a safety net for me. I wanna stay with them every day. I clench every muscles but I still can’t figure out how to deal with this problem. When I was a kid I believed some friends but eventually they bailed on me, so I can believe the professional workers totally in the nursing home. I really want to take care of my parents by myself. I heard that the president of the nursing home is a dutch, maybe he will very nice. But I’m not sure.

It’s raining today so the air is very humid and uncomfortable it made me realize a problem. I was wondering if I would send my parents to a nursing home when they get older. But actually there is a lot at stake for me, because if they live in a nursing home I wouldn’t see them every day, so I don’t consider it a safety net. I wanna stay with them every day. I have racked my brain, trying to find a solution, but still couldn’t. When I was a kid I trusted some friends but eventually they bailed on me, so I can’t trust the professional workers completely in nursing homes. I really want to take care of my parents by myself. I heard that the president of the nursing home is a dutch guy, maybe he will be very nice. But I’m not sure.