F2F Class Notes (Tony) [W]


clear – free of any objects

eg: The table is not clear, where can I put my computer.

clean – not dirty

eg: The table is not clean, I don’t wanna put my computer on it.

make it up – create it from nothing, like a story or some info, ideas

eg: Did you make up that story, or is it real?

eg: I think he is making it up. That can’t be true.

Train (V) – to teach someone or an animal how to do a specific task or trick

eg: Some Russians trained a bear to ride a bicycle.

handover – to give everything to the next person who will take on that role, including info, training, paperwork…

eg: Training (n) will be part of the handover.

attackto try to hurt, injure, or destroy (something or someone)

eg: All animals CAN attack you.

the forest = forests (General)


I ran away (past tense)

the dog bite on him a little – the dog bit him a little

345 sheep / deer (Plural, more than one)

Writing exercise

There are many different kinds of species live in forest. Some are very cute animals like rabbits and deers, others are predators like snakes and lions. One day, there is a tiger walking in the forest and other animals are afraid of it. A little fox follows that tiger, it is the associate of the tiger, so it seems like animals are afraid of that little fox. The fox feels so elation. But a tiger is always a tiger, at the end of that journey, the tiger eats that little fox because it feels hungry. They will never been peers because they are quite different species and they can’t translate others “language”.

There are many different kinds of species that live in forests. Some are very cute animals like rabbits and deer, others are predators like snakes and tigers. One day, there was a tiger walking in the forest and the other animals were afraid of it. A little fox followed that tiger, it is the associate of the tiger, so it seems like animals are afraid of that little fox. The fox feels so elated(adj). But a tiger is always a tiger, at the end of that journey, the tiger eats that little fox because it feels hungry. They will never be peers because they are quite different species and they can’t translate each others “language”.


attack – Uh tAk

attach – – Uh tAaCH