F2F Class Notes (Tony)

Show: American Woman. 2018

Alicia Silverstone


nothing’s coming to me

It just came to me, we should…. (Found the Solution!)

associateto think of one person or thing when you think of another person or thing

eg: In Chinese when we say, Question, we sometimes associate that with Problem.

eg: In most cultures we associate green with passing or going ahead.

eg: In American culture we associate red with angry or upset and blue with cool or relaxed.

Stress eating – eat to relieve stress

eg: He is using food as a way to feel happy. Stress eating is a bad habit.

I have a ___ guy.

eG: I have an IT guy, we can call him for help.

eg: I know a great interior design guy.

dopamine – a natural chemical in your brain, that controls how you feel, good or bad, happy or sad.

eg: Some drugs are called Dope. This slang word comes from the chemical in your brain Dopamine. Because all drugs release dopamine in your brain.

Dope – not a smart person

eg: He is a dope, but don’t tell him I said that.


Style and Clarity

I prepared the presentation until I left. I was preparing the presentation until I left. (Sounds weird, because -ED: finished. Until: not finished.)

I am was eating an apple while I prepared the presentation.

I prepared the presentation, then I left.

Carol gave me some fruit while we were starting class.

Carol gave me some fruit while when we started class.