F2F Class Notes (Tony)


she said something a little negative to me but it was trivial so I ignored it

(to) get old – to get sick of something, or tired of it, because you had too much, or too long

eg: I love pizza, but if I eat it every day it will get old.

canyon – a large space between two mountains, or a depression in the ground

eg: I want to hike through a canyon.

jagged – describes a shape, especially a line or edge. a very rough and uneven line

eg: Many mountains in China are steep and jagged. They would be dangerous to climb.

rolling hills

eg: Jeju island has many rolling hills to hike.

milk it (sth.) – to keep getting value out of sth. for a longer than usual

eg: He’s not really hurt, he;s just milking it for attention.

dictate – Upper management dictates majority of decisions

eg: I don’t wanna dictate everything my assistant does. I hope they can be more independent.

finger pointing

eg: There’s too much finger pointing at that office. They always try to blame other people and don’t focus on solving the problem.

eg: They pointed the finger at me.


heat wave