F2F Class Notes (Tony)


what did they ask – what they asked

can’t understand that yet – I still can’t understand that

I didn’t understand it until… someone give me a lot of explanationsomeone explained it to me

they didn’t understand my previous speaking – they didn’t understand what I said.


Sorry, I didn’t catch your meaning that.

Could you elaborate?

it’s like… they have a different way to say it

intimidate (V) – to scare someone with your power or strength or skills

eg: Don’t intimidate your little brother.

intimidated (adj) – scared of power or strength

eg: I want to talk to her but I’m a little intimidated because she’s so smart and beautiful.

intimidating (adj) – makes someone scared

eg: My boxing instructor is really strong, but he is not intimidating because he is a very nice guy.

eg: Going to a new country can be intimidating.