F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Watch “The Matrix” (1999)

When does he say?  “I know Kung Fu!”


I always live stay in a hotel.

beam – a long square piece of material, often used to support a structure, like a building

eg: The thieves were standing on the beams in the house.

epic – 1. often misused to mean, really cool or big, awesome. 2. describes long things with great difficulty or actions, often over a long period of time.

  1. eg: That party was epic bro!

2. eg: They had an epic journey from Moscow to Beijing on a train. It’s called the Trans-Siberian Express.

eg: It is not an epic journey to Harbin. Just a 3 hour flight.

Speaking exercise

It’s a Chinese epic story. It’s about 108 people. The person you said, who fight with the tiger is one of the 108. The 108 people have their own skills. Some of them have Kung Fu, and some of them are the leaders in this group. and some are thieves. They can stand in the top in your house and stole your important things, but you never know. Some leaders are very clever and they helped the citizens to fight with the local government. Because the background of this story. Is in ancient China.

There’s a Chinese epic story. It’s about 108 people. The person you mentioned, who fought with the tiger is one of the 108. Everyone in the crew has their own skills. Some of them know Kung Fu, some are thieves and there are three or four leaders in this group. They can stand on the top beams in your house and steal your valuable things, but you would never know. Some leaders are very clever and they helped the citizens fight the local government. This story is set in ancient China.


ancient – Ayn  Chent

Kung Fu – Kuuu (Tongue)  Foo

Thieves – TheeevZ