F2F Class Notes (Tony)

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Travel English

Example: Emergencies, Booking Flights, Changing Reservations


Do you have a break?

Yes, I do. I have a break.

So, those two classes are not in a row?

No, they are not in a row. So I can rest between classes.

so many / so much – could be Good or Bad

eg: Pure yoga have so many foreigner.

too many / too much – usually bad, you don’t want that much

eg: I don’t like a studio that have has too much many people.

eg: I usually think too much.

behind – not in front of

eg: He was behind me.

eg: My bag is behind me.

rock climbing – use your hands and feet to go up a rock, or cliff

eg: Maybe you should try rock climbing.

hiking – walk up a mountain

eg: First we will climb up 20 meters. Then we will Hike up 4KM.


my friend in booking gongzuo work – my friend works at booking.com

Are there a lot…?

There are a lot…

eg: There are a lot of foreign women there.