F2F Class Notes (Tony)


tag – small label on clothing

eg: You should tear off the price tag.

tag – identify or mark someone online

tag – spray paint or graffiti something

eg: That building got tagged. There is graffiti all over the side.

province – a large

eg: Xi Zang is probably the biggest province in China.

eg: Rodrigo Duterte (Phillipines’ President) said to xi jin ping, “If you want, just make us a province like Fujian.”

insane – crazy

eg: That president is insane.

resign – formally quit a job

eg: He resigned last week. So he will be gone at the end of the month.

tensionthe degree to which something is stretched : the amount that something is stretched

eg: There was so much tension on my phone cable that it broke.

eg: There is a little tension between Lily and I. After I took her job.

eg: My neck is tense. (adj)


he bought it online

