F2F Class Notes (Tony)

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I have a stuffy nose

I am stuffed up

I cook it by myself

farm –  a big place where you grow vegetables, fruit, raise animals. It is usually a job

eg: MY family doesn’t have a farm.

Garden – a small place to grow vegetables or plants

eg: My mom has a garden at our home. She grows mint and carrots.

eg: You should put some mint in that cocktail.

eg: This chocolate has mint in it.

mint – a green herb, you can eat the leaves. It has a strong sweet smell.

else – the other things

eg: What else did you cook?

eg: Who else is coming?

eg: Is there anything else you want to ask?

corn – yu mi

eg: I made some soup with pork ribs and corn

Chinese cabbage – bai cai

eg: Chinese cabbage is like other cabbage, but longer.

Bok Choy – Qing Cai

eg: Bok Choy is pretty common in USA.


Have you (done) ____?

Have + Verb (Past Participle)
Have eaten (ate)
Have been to (was)
Have seen (saw)
Have looked at (looked)
Have talked to (talked)
Have done (did)
Have finished (finished)
Have fought

eg: Have you swam in the ocean?
I haven’t swam in the ocean.   /  I’ve never swam in the ocean.

Yolanda’s: Have you eaten hot pot? / Have you tried hot pot?
Yes, I’ve eaten hot pot.  / Yes, I’ve had hot pot.

eg: Have you been to Beijing?
I’ve been to Beijing.

eg: Have you seen acrobatics in China?
No, I haven’t seen that.

Have you ever (Done)     ?    (at any time before, in your life…?)

eg: I have not been to Beijing.  (probably NEVER)

eg: I have not been to Beijing this month. I have never been to Xi’an.

eg: Have you ever been to Xi’an?
I haven’t been to Xi’an.
You haven’t been to Xi’an this year?
No, I haven’t ever been to Xi’an.

eg: Have you ever fight this month? – Have you ever fought someone? / Have you ever been in a fight?
No, I haven’t been in a fight.

I finished it (Ate it all)

You should eat it – You should have already tried it, because lots of Chinese restaurants have it.


sugar – Sh Uh Gerr

Ribs – Rih B’s

carrots – Care Rits

acrobatics – Ak Ruh Battix