F2F Class Notes (Tony)


they launch whatever the local payment system is

our campaigns are more than theirswe do more campaigns than them / our campaigns are more prevalent in China than theirs

in a few days the temperature will become very high – in a few days the temperature will go up

the feeling of your body is comfortableyou feel comfortable

one of the important work things we do

we confirmed that we are on the same page

the trade transaction belongs to wechat

prevalentaccepted, done, or happening often or over a large area at a particular time : common or widespread

eg: Wechat and Alipay are not so prevalent abroad.


we are competing with them very fiercely

cooperate with other companies

it costs me a lot of time – it takes me a lot of time

it spend me a lot of time – I spend a lot of time (IT, Can’t SPEND)

I’ll tell you a good news – I’ll tell you some good news


competitor – Kem Peh Tih Terr