F2F Class Notes (Tony)

Next Class Focus

Make sure to review the computer words.


Write or find an email to submit for homework:

To check your: Clarity, Word Choice, Sentence Length(Short or Concise is better)


I’m bad with names.

I’m not good with dogs.

I’m not good with numbers.

It’s a test memorization technique

Prep – Short for Prepare or Preparation

eg: I did all the prep work for the cake. So, it’s ready to be cooked soon.

eg: We need to prep the new(adj) front(adj) desk (adj) person (N) about how to greet the guests.

Outlet ( Electrical Outlet) – used to plug in, anything that needs electricity, usually on the wall.

Power Strip – A cord with many outlets on it, to let you plug in more things.

Computer Peripherals

Port – the connecting point, or hole, on things like a computer to attach devices

USB – Connecting port, can be on many devices, like phones

Hard Drive – General term for large main storage on computers, or portable drives

Solid State Drive(SSD) – Like USB, and newer computer have, faster than HDD.  Has no moving parts inside.

Hard Disk Drive(HDD) – Traditional Hard Drive, Spinning parts inside. Produces heat.

Example Report:

Disadvantages of HDD, Traditional Hard Drives:

Produces heat.

Slower performance.

Prone to failure over time.

Less Stable than SSD

Slower transfer speeds than SSD.


pretty close from to here

it’s pretty near here


Science – Es Cee Eye Ence (A Pronunciation to help me remember the SPELLING)