F2F Class Notes (Tony)


have eaten

beijing doesn’t have any well known fashion schools

gallery – a place to go look at art or other creative things.

eg: Let’s go to the art gallery today.

socialize – to go out and talk to people, meet new people.

eg: Our school gives us many chances to socialize.


I wasn’t sure if…  ______   would ______.

I wasn’t sure if you would come.

I wasn’t sure if it would rain.

sure – to know 100%

eg: I’m not sure

eg: I am sure, she is from America.

She is from America, I am sure.

Are you sure this is good?

Adv. Surely

He is surely the best.

Surely he is the best.

Surely Shanghai has a few well known fashion schools.

I prefer to live in small cities because the air is clean and the local people are very friendly.

I think art to people is really important. The art can express themself and art can improve them aesthetic.

art is really important to people. art can help a person express themselves and art can improve their aesthetic.

I never been to art gallery, but next semester I want to go to a few art galleries

I’ve never been to an art gallery, but next semester I want to go to a few art galleries.

Why do people go to art galleries?

People go to art galleries can get so many inspirations. They also go there to socialize.

People go to art galleries to get inspiration. They also go there to socialize.