F2F Class Notes (Tony) [W]


her family give her very big support – her family supported her a lot.
My son is really like – he really liked it

Keep it up – to keep doing something, to persist

e.g.: Sometimes it’s hard to keep it up

Mute – can’t talk, no sound

Quote – exact words someone said
e.g: I read a quote from Einstein. It said success is 1% Genius and 99% Hard work.

Kick in – to begin or start, usually after waiting for a while
e.g.: I just turned on the hot water, but it is a really old house, the hot water will kick in, in about a minute.

e.g.: It will kick in soon, maybe in a minute.

Braille – the writing for blind people
e.g.: I can’t read braille.

Writing exercise

Dear Nemo

Thanks for your lessons and let me real know about gorilla.
I knew the gorilla from Zoo and textbook in starting, and my uncle told me the gorilla is a kind of animal similar to human, and no tail, depends on researches we were a unified ancestor long-long time ago.
Until several weeks ago, I and my son saw a new movie that called rampage animals, the story showed us there are 3 kinds of animals be polluted by some variance bacteria, they became rampage and the body also became bigger by time. They are losing control and started attacking humans, even though they were good friends before. The one animal is gorilla. His zoologer friends didn’t give up and try to find out solution to clear these kind bacteria. Finally, the finally they succeeded, and Gorilla help human to kill another 2 animals. Save us. It’s lovely story.

In this movie, the gorilla can use the sign language and make friend with humans. He is smart. He can protect his human friends in forest.

Gorilla is our friends and communicates with human by certain training; we should be providing the safer environment to them.


Dear Nemo,

Thanks for your lessons and letting me know more about gorillas.
I knew about gorillas from Zoos and textbooks before. And my uncle told me the gorilla is a kind of animal similar to humans, with no tail. According to research we had a common ancestor a long time ago.
Several weeks ago, my son and I saw a new movie called rampage. The story showed us there are 3 kinds of animals that were infected by some kind of bacteria, they started rampaging and their bodies kept getting bigger and bigger. They started to lose control and attacked humans, even though they were good friends before. One of the animals is a gorilla. His zoologist friends didn’t give up and tried to find a solution to cure this kind of bacteria. Finally they succeeded, and the Gorilla helped the humans kill the other 2 animals. It saved us. It’s a lovely story.

In this movie, the gorilla can use sign language and make friends with humans. He is smart. He can protect his human friends in the forest.

Gorillas are our friends and can communicate with humans with certain training; we should be providing a safer environment for them.
