F2F Class Notes (Tibo) [s]

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Speaking exercise

I’m an engineer, it is about email service solutions.
everyday I deal with a lot of issues
Sometimes I have to make a lot of phone calls. / I have to call many people

I can connect many people by WeChat or QQ.
I rarely speak in English in my work.
It is my hobby. I want to improve my spoken English.
I want to see foreign news and movies.
foreign movies all like.

I like watching movies and dancing.
recently everyday I watch a tv show with some singing and dancing. / I watch a music tv program.

girls are less

When I was ready to go the university I need choice a major
I didn’t know what do I like.
An old brother he was learning computer network so he suggested I also choose it.
Before that I don’t know nothing about the computers.
My younger brother is a software engineer.

computer includes many fields
for example a website and FTP and VPN , cloud and SAAS.
my company provides SAAS.

I’m an engineer, it is about email service solutions. / I work on email service solutions.

everyday I deal with a lot of issues.
Sometimes I have to make a lot of phone calls. / I have to call many people

I can connect to/with  / I can contact many people by WeChat or QQ.
I rarely speak in English at work.
It is my hobby. I want to improve my spoken English / oral English.
I want to see foreign news and movies.  / I want to read foreign news and watch  foreign movies
I like all foreign movies. / I like most foreign movies.

I like watching movies and dancing.
recently everyday I watch a tv show with some singing and dancing. / I watch a music tv program.

there are less women engineers / female engineer than men / male engineers

there are more female teachers than male teachers.

When I was ready to go to the university I needed to choose a major   / I needed to make a choice.

I didn’t know what I liked. / I didn’t know what to choose.
An older brother was learning computer networks so he suggested me to choose it.
Before that I didn’t know anything about computers. / I knew nothing about computers.
My younger brother is a software engineer.

computer includes many fields
I work on many things, for example a website and FTP and VPN , cloud and SAAS.
my company provides SAAS.


choice (n)
I made my choice

to choose (v)
I need to choose today

foreign (adj)
I like foreign movies

foreigner (n)
Tom is a foreigner

oral (adj) 口试的 / related to speaking
We didn’t sign a contract, we only had an oral agreement
I want to improve my oral English

orally (adv)
He only agreed orally but he didn’t write anything

field (n) 领域
There are many fields of computer science

major (n)  field of study
My major was computer networks

issue (v) : make /provide 出版 /发型
We issued a notice about the network bug.
We issued an update /patch to the program

call (v/n)
I called (v) John yesterday
I received a call (n) from John


issue : problem


nothing / anything

anything : you pick one thing among all the possibilities
DO you want coffee, tea or hot chocolate? you can choose anything.

nothing = 0
I have nothing in my wallet because I use alipay

verb + S = question
What do you eat?

S + V = sentence
I eat a hamburger.