F2F Class Notes (Tibo) [S]


some people say that you will live longer if you have a pet, do you think that is true?

Speaking exercise

I separate the class into 2 classes a week.
I think Virgos are demanding and like

China like to photoshop pictures and foreigners they didn’t like PS.
I think foreigners didn’t do this.
More and more boys like to do.
sometimes you should recognize her facial expressions and you will guess.
And sometimes we cant recognize her or him we just shut up and guess in our heart. I think it is embarrassing.
Older people people don’t know how to use photoshop.

silence makes me feel lonely and I will make some noise if I stay home myself.
It is interesting.

I think it depends. If I need to work hard I prefer stay alone and if I am free I don’t like the feeling of lonely so I would make appointments with my friends or stay at home with my cats and make some noise.
I don’t like feel lonely so I kept two cats.

If you keep the cats they will be like friends and family to you
cats from good breeds are closer to people.

silence makes me feel lonely and I will make some noise if I stay home by myself / stay home alone.
It is interesting.
I prefer cats more than dogs.
First you don’t have to pay much attention about walking them and the smell is better.
When I go out I use the machine to clean my clothes but in my room it is

When I back to my house first I should take off my clothes and hang them then I would hug my cats.


I combine 2 classes into 1.
I think Virgos are demanding and are clean

Chinese people like to photoshop pictures / retouch pictures  and foreigners they didn’t like PS.
I think foreigners don’t do this. / don’t like to retouch photos / prefer real pictures.
More and more boys like to do this.
sometimes you need to recognize her from her facial expressions and you will guess. / sometimes you recognize people thanks to their facial expressions
And sometimes we can’t recognize her or him we just stay silent/ don’t say anything and guess in our heart. I think it is embarrassing.
Older people people don’t know how to use photoshop.

silence makes me feel lonely and I will make some noise if I stay home by myself / stay home alone.
It is interesting.
I prefer cats  than dogs.
First you don’t have to pay much attention about walking them / you don’t need to walk them and the smell is better.
When I go out I use the machine to clean my clothes but in my room it is dirty/ full or their hairs

When I go back to my house first I need to take off my clothes and hang them then I can hug my cats. / I can never hug my cats directly I first need to hang my clothes.

Today we focused on:


breed (n) 品种
This dog breed is very expensive

lively (adj) 热闹
This street is very lively at night, there are many bars and restaurants

silent (adj) not making sounds
We kept silent after he told us his friend died

silence (n)
I don’t like silence so I always listen to music

someone’s thing : what someone likes
retouching pictures is not my thing = I don’t like it
Rock music is my thing
Fashion is my thing.

to retouch (v) 修
I retouch my pictures to look younger

to repair / fix (v) 修理
I went to the Apple Store and asked them to fix my phone
I hope we can fix our relationship, if not we may separate.

tailor (v/n)(量身定做) / man or woman making clothes
I went to a tailor to make a new suit
They tailored the clothes for her

tailor made (adj): made for someone specifically
Tailor made clothes are expensive so I didn’t buy them

to combine (v) : put together
I combine my ideas with my friends ideas and we opened a store together

to separate (v) :分开 / 独有的
I don’t live with my parents, I live in a separate apartment.
I separated the clothes in 2 groups

to split /divide (v) 分开
I split the work among all the team members

demanding (adj) about people who are strict about what they want for themselves or others
My teacher is very demanding, if we make 1 mistake we have to do everyday all over again

virgo (n) 处女座♍️
Virgos are very demanding

to recognize (v) 辨别 /认出
I didn’t recognize her because she photoshopped her picture too much


