F2F Class Notes (Tibo)


review the words and try to make some sentences

Speaking exercise

Tik Tok may English videos  -> there are many English videos on Tik Tok

every teach if have lot of fans maybe can get money. –> If a teacher has a lot of fans maybe he can get money / maybe he can monetize his videos

Jesse I before follow -> I started to follow Jesse 2 years ago / I already follow Jesse

On LRB you can explain the places or clothes  / it is easier to explain things on LRB (little red book)

I just want post something videos or photos then can let me -> I just want to post videos or photos as memories for the future / I just post photos and videos to remind myself what happened at that time … / to remember happy moments.

ICBC meeting notices are in WeChat. I have groups maybe 20 or 30. -> I receive ICBC meeting notices on WeChat, I have 20 or 30 groups .


to remember (v) 记得 / 记忆
I don’t remember my boss’s name
I wrote a note to remember the meeting
I remember I was very happy in my childhood.

to remind (v) 提醒
My boss reminded me about the meeting this afternoon
my workmate reminds me to have lunch with her next Friday.

reminder (n) 提示
I set a reminder for her birthday on my phone
A ring is a reminder of love

Intermediary  / middle man (n) 中介
we want to buy directly from the factory without a middle man because it is cheaper

Real Estate Agents / property agent 房产中介
I asked the property agent to show me some houses in Pudong

real estate (n) 房地产
我爱我家 is a real estate company

contract (n) 合同
I signed the contract

directly / straight 直接
I went home directly after home

to separate (v) 分开
I separated people in different groups on WeChat

go dutch  (v)  AA付
We can have lunch together but I want to go dutch
We go dutch every time with my female friends

to monetize (v) 将…货币化 / turn something into money
WeChat is free to use but they find ways to monetize the app.

way (n) 方式 / 方法
There is no way to finish in time, we will be late for sure

traffic (n) 流量
There is a lot of traffic in the morning
My website has a lot of traffic

entertainment (n) 娱乐
I went to the entertainment park (Disneyland)

to explain (v) 解释 /说明
The teacher explained the grammar to me
I explain the bank fees to the client


head straight