F2F Class Notes (Tibo)

Today we focused on:

we discussed involution

Speaking exercise

the agriculture yield did not improve as time goes by -> went by

as it has a large population resources are limited / the population increased but resources didn’t
They compete to win the limited resources and it will become a phenomenon  / they compete in a zero – sum game for finite resources

We need to  expend the whole market / we need to make the pie bigger or change people’s definition of success.

Tik Tok makes everybody have access to earn money -> Tik Tok gives everyone a way to make money / Tik Tok levels the playing field by giving equal opportunities to make money on the internet with just a phone.

They are born surrounded by new information  / they are Internet natives  They can embrace new ideas and be more innovative in their fields.

From the time they started receiving education they are taught to love china, they are patriotic

the 1990s were a turning point


finite (adj) : limited
Gold is valuable because is it finite

infinite (adj) : not limited
human stupidity is infinite

finality (n) : fact of being limited
As he got older he started to think about the finality of life.

gratification (n) : feeling good
Being praised by the teacher is a form of gratification

To gratify (v)
I was gratified with a bunch of flowers

involution (n) trending concepts to convey a general feeling of defeat
Involution makes young people hopeless about the future

Generation (gen) Y  / millennials – 1980s – middle 1990s
Gen Y is focused on saving to try to buy a house

Generation (gen) Z – second half 1990s – now
Gen Z goes to Starbucks everyday