F2F Class Notes (Tibo)

Today we focused on:

video about NFTs from WSJ


Watch the video


scarcity (n) rarity 匮乏
Rolex watches are expensive because they are scarce / Rolex makes sure to maintain scarcity to avoid prices going down.

scarce (adj)
Many luxury brands love to keep their products scarce

token (n) 金属代币
I got some tokens to play with the machines

blockchain (n) 区块链
An NFT is a token on the blockchain

cryptocurrency (n) 密码比
Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency

cryptography (n) 密码学
We use a very cryptography to secure our files

Fungible (adj) replaceable
Money is fungible
Art is not fungible

fungibility (n) ability to be replaced easily

to substitute (v) exchange for something else of similar value

Liquidity (n) how easy it is to sell or buy something (about volume)
We need to increase the liquidity of our portfolio

portfolio (n) 投资组合
We want to diversify our portfolio

Liquid (n)
A house is not a liquid asset, it is illiquid because it is hard to sell or buy.
Cash is the most liquid asset

NFT : Non Fungible Token
The total market of NFTs is booming