F2F Class Notes (Tibo) [S]

Today we focused on:

discussed blockchain

Speaking exercise

I work in Shanghai and I graduated at 2017 and then I come to Shanghai after finish my university
and work here about 3 years. And maybe I think I will stay in Shanghai with my bf and I want to study English better and I can communicate with foreigners.
I study medical but when I worked I worked in another industry.
Before this year I work in blockchain but now I back to medical.
the blockchain industry is too small and too young and in China so many people do some bad things and the technology is too young.
and blockchain have not the application.
maybe 5-10 years.
They are just country’s test but have not
it haven’t benefit to the industry because it is just too early too young and we can’t see any different

they do it on their own but we haven’t seen any result yet so I don’t think it will help the blockchain industry.
the programmers are not many and the country pay the high tax to find programmers but they can’t find. So many people they just lie.

alipay is better than bitcoin because it is faster and convenient but BTC maybe it is safer because our country we can


I work in Shanghai and I graduated in 2017 and then I came to Shanghai after I finished my university / I came to Shanghai after finishing college / I came to Shanghai after my graduation
and I have been working here for about 3 years. And I think I will stay in Shanghai with my bf / I want to settle in Shanghai.
and I want to make my English better / I want to improve my English so that I can communicate with foreigners.
I studied medicine but when I started working I worked in another industry.  / when I started working I picked/chose another industry / but my first job was in another industry
Before this year I worked in blockchain but now I am back to medicine / to the medical industry.
the blockchain industry is too small and too young / the blockchain industry is still immature

and in China so many people do some bad things / there are many scams in China and the technology is too young. /the tech is still immature / not mature enough.
Blockchain doesn’t have any concrete/clear application / we haven’t found a concrete application for blockchain yet. Maybe it will take 5-10 more years / it will take another 5-10 years

They are just a country’s test not a concrete application.
it hasn’t benefited the industry because it is just too early and too young and we can’t see any difference / it hasn’t made any difference.

they do it on their own but we haven’t seen any results yet so I don’t think it will help the blockchain industry.

there are not many programmers

there are almost no programmers and the country pay the high tax to find programmers but they can’t find. So many people they just lie.

alipay is better than bitcoin because it is faster and more convenient but BTC may be  safer because our country doesn’t control it.


privacy : 隐私
I want to protect my privacy.

center : middle point
I live in the city center

to centralize : put everything in a center
The government is centralized in Beijing.

to decentralize : opposite of centralize
Bitcoin is decentralized

profit (n): money gained
I haven’t made any profit with the bitcoins I bought

investor : someone buying something hoping it will go up
I was a bitcoin investor.

to print : 打印
We printed the map

to pump : 泵
I need to pump the tire of the bicycle

to dump : get rid of
We dumped our old bicycle

pump & dump : when you increase a price suddenly in order to sell shortly after
Pump & dump is very common with alt coins.

alternative : not mainstream / not the main one
this is an alternative coin

to influence 影响
This movie influenced me a lot

full time : as the main activity
I work full time as a doctor

part time : not as the only occupation
He is a part time teacher, he only works here 2 days a week

different (adj)
He uses a different computer

We want to make a difference

people (2+)
Many people drive long hours to go to work

person (1)
I know a person who lives in Suzhou and works in SH

bubble 泡沫
There was a blockchain  ICO bubble in 2017

scam (n) : something done to cheat people
They told people to send them BTCs and they would send them more BTCs but it was a scam. they just kept them and ran.

scammer (n) : person doing a scam
Tom is a scammer

to cheat
we played poker and he cheated.
I broke up with my bf because he was cheating on me

concrete (adj) : very specific not just an idea
The idea is good but there is not concrete application.
I like to work on something concrete, I don’t want to work on ideas.

immature (adj): not mature
blockchain is still immature
John is only 5, he is still immature someone needs to take care of him
men are less mature than women

medicine (n)
I studied medicine in university

medical (adj)
We sell medical products

to settle : establish a home/ stable life
I decided to settle in Shanghai

programmer : person writing code
He is a programmer

to benefit (v/n): be good for/to
He benefited from the ICO rush, he made a lot of money.
One benefit of working in blockchain is that we can work from home.


so that / in order to + goal
I work hard so that I can buy everything I want
I work hard in order to buy a new house

choose (choose / chose / chosen)


he/she/it -> V+s
he works hard
do->she does
have-> it has

use there is/are to describe a situation
There are not enough programmers.
人不多-》there are not many people / there are only a few people